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You are only a few clicks away from supporting COLA Gives service awards and/or grants to worthy nonprofit organizations in the community.

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Click on the pictures below to enter your DONOR information

Donate TIME as a volunteer for designated activities and/or projects of non-profit organizations receiving COLA Gives awards or grants.

Donate TALENT as a volunteer, consultant, trainer, and/or

 coach for designated activities and/or projects of

non-profit organizations receiving COLA Gives awards or grants.

Donate TREASURE to support activities  and/or projects of  non-profits  receiving COLA Gives awards or grants.

More to think about...

Time – Volunteering hours, days of service, etc.

No matter how busy you are, everyone has

some time to volunteer.

...CG members and friends have weeded

community gardens, ...delivered food baskets

to families in need

...collected children's books for summer reading.

Why not sign up to be a community resource

for non-profit programs and projects.

Talent – Using one’s  expertise & skills to benefit others.     

Got talent?  Of course!

Everyone has some skill or expertise that can be

a blessing, and a help to someone else.

...CG members have trained or coached non-profits

managers and board members.

...helped organizations achieve tax-exempt status.

...designed and built boxes for urban gardening projects.

...crocheted caps and blankets for infants of poor young mothers in Africa.

Treasure – Financial contributions donated for

 charitable work.

It's no secret that non- profit groups or projects  can always

use dollars to do their work.

...Big or small donations strategically placed often

have a greater impact on those in need and those

who serve them, than the actual value of the contributions.

CG strives to identify, recognize, encourage

and support nonprofits doing the work

 to benefit the community

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